These days all kids in this country are studying for the end of year final exams. For those who are in high school, they must sit for exams in four lessons; mathematics, physics, Greek language and history. These grades along with their all year grades will pass them to next year.
For those who sit for exams to be accepted at a university the procedure has as follows: They are tested to up to five courses that count for 70% of their grade and an oral exam that counts for 30%. These courses depend on the orientation they want to follow and the specific schools they want to attend in this particular orientation. For example, if someone wants to follow science he has Physics, Chemistry and Greek language plus one or two of the following: mathematics, biology or history if they want to go for engineers and mathematics, doctors or in education correspondingly.
As I remember from my school years which, by the way, were a long time ago, it is a very stressful period for a child. Actually, it is the first real challenge in his/her life and one that is truly unbiased and objective, since the persons who correct the papers and give the marks do not know the students and therefore have no positive or negative thoughts. Universities in Greece are governmental which means that if someone fails in the particular exams has no other alternative than either to go abroad to study or compromise with some local private schools which, nevertheless, do not enjoy the merit and acceptance of the public ones.
My son is in 8th grade in an international school and thus things are a bit different for him. He is preparing for IB exams and after finishing school, he will leave to study abroad. At this moment he has five courses in which he will be tested and these are math, history, Greek, English and science. He has already written history and now we have the rest four. Although, they are not as hard as these of those who write for an entrance in some university, I think for his age are quite stressful. He is a good student and I hope he will do as well in these as he did throughout the year but still it is a test for everybody’s nerves around here.
In times like these, children need energy as they read and think more than they normally do, so I thought of making some sweet bites to boost his energy and make him happy. These little bites are so ridiculously easy to make and so delicious you will be amazed. I used some of my overripe bananas which I am sure almost all of us have from time to time and I made Dulce de Lecce with the pressure cooker method which is so much easier than the usual procedure. You can keep the Dulce de Lecce in the fridge and just make a small batch of these and then when they finish you make some more etc. In this way they will be always fresh.
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
- 1 banana cut in thin slices as they will be stacked one on top of the other
- 200 gr. semisweet chocolate, melted
- Prepare the Dulce de Lecce.
- You can make this the day before or in the morning.
- In your pressure cooker place the can of the milk after you have removed the paper label.
- You will place it with its side down in horizontal position because otherwise when the water starts to bubble the can will go up and down.
- Cover it with water plus 2 cm / 1 inch more.
- Turn the heat on to the highest and bring to boil.
- Cover and secure the lid and wait until the valve starts to emit the steam.
- Immediately, lower heat to low and let it simmer for about 40 minutes.
- Remove from the heat and let it cool down completely.
- Place in a glass jar and to the fridge for at least one hour.
- Cut the banana in thin slices as one will be stuck on top of the other.
- Add about ¼ tsp of Dulce de Lecce on half of the banana slices and cover them with the rest half.
- Place them in the freezer for 30 minutes to stabilize.
- Take a pan cover it with parchment paper and spread couple of tbsp of the melted chocolate.
- Place the banana sandwiches leaving a distance between then 0.5 cm / ¼ of an inch and cover them with the rest of the chocolate.
- Let them cool completely.
- With a cookie cutter cut them around and serve.
- 1 κουτί ζαχαρούχο γάλα
- 1 μπανάνα κομμένη σε λεπτές φέτες
- 200 γρ. κουβερτούρα, λιωμένη
- Προετοιμάστε το Dulce de Leche.
- Μπορείτε να κάνετε από την προηγούμενη ημέρα.
- Στη χύτρα σας τοποθετήστε το κουτάκι του γάλακτος, αφού αφαιρέσετε τη χάρτινη ετικέτα.
- Τοποθετήστε το με την πλευρά του προς τα κάτω σε οριζόντια θέση γιατί αλλιώς όταν το νερό αρχίσει να βράζει θα χτυπάει πάνω κάτω.
- Καλύψτε το με νερό συν 2 cm περισσότερο.
- Ανάψτε το μάτι στην ψηλή θερμοκρασία και φέρτε το σε βρασμό
- Καλύψτε με το καπάκι και περιμένετε έως ότου η βαλβίδα αρχίζει να βγάζει τον ατμό.
- Αμέσως, χαμηλώστε τη φωτιά στο χαμηλό και αφήστε το να σιγοβράσει για περίπου 40 λεπτά.
- Κατεβάστε από τη φωτιά και αφήστε να κρυώσει εντελώς.
- Βάλτε το σε ένα γυάλινο βαζάκι και στο ψυγείο για τουλάχιστον μία ώρα.
- Κόψτε τις μπανάνες σε λεπτές φέτες.
- Προσθέστε περίπου ¼ κουταλάκι Dulce de Leche στις μισές φέτες μπανάνας και σκεπάστε με τις υπόλοιπες μισές.
- Βάλτε στην κατάψυξη για 30 λεπτά για να σταθεροποιηθούν.
- Πάρτε ένα ταψί σκεπάστε με λαδόκολλα και αλείψτε μία περιοχή της που θα χωράει τις φέτες μπανάνας με δύο κουταλίες από την λιωμένη σοκολάτα.
- Τοποθετήστε τα σάντουιτς μπανάνας σε απόσταση μεταξύ τους μισού πόντου και σκεπάστε τα με την υπόλοιπη σοκολάτα.
- Αφήστε να κρυώσουν εντελώς.
- Με ένα κουπάτ κόψτε γύρω γύρω και σερβίρετε.