Category: <span>Sweets</span>

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Vasilopita 2020

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 AND NEW DECADE! May all your dreams become true but most of all may you feel loved and happy! I know it’s been a while since my last post but things at work have started consuming almost all my free time. Plus, I had a severe fracture on my foot that...


Fluffy Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Bites

Chicken or as we call it in Greek Kotòpoulo is one of the most common and widespread domestic birds. In 2003 it was estimated to exist about 24 billion birds worldwide. That means that if at anytime these cute and somewhat silly birds somehow acquire a higher intelligence it is most definite that they will...


Very Chocolate Cake

The term “cake” has a long history. The word itself is of Viking origin, from the Old Norse word “kaka”. The ancient Greeks called cake plakous, which was derived from the word for “flat”. It was baked using flour mixed with eggs, milk, nuts and honey. They also had a cake called “satura”, which was...



Migliaccio is a typical dessert of the Carnival. It is part of the Napoli tradition, but it is consumed in all areas of Campania region in Italy. Its recipe has ancient origins and it seems to date back to the Middle Ages. As often happened, it was invented by some peasant woman who was trying...


Ten Perfect Desserts For Christmas

What’s your favorite sweet for Christmas? Is it chocolate or is it citrus? Is it torte or is it cake? Is it cookies or a tart? Here are ten desserts that are perfect for the coming festive days! Either with family or friends they are the perfect sweet ending to a delicious meal. From traditional...


Christmas Menu

Time passes so fast! Do you realize that in less than three weeks we have Christmas? Oh my God! I have to start organizing things otherwise I am going to be drowned! What are your plans for Christmas? Are you spending them with family or going on a trip? I have no clue what we...


Chestnut Truffles

Achilles was the son of the Nereid Thetis and of Peleus, the king of the Myrmidons. Zeus and Poseidon had been rivals for the hand of Thetis until Prometheus, the fore-thinker, warned Zeus of a prophecy that Thetis would bear a son greater than his father. For this reason, the two gods withdrew their pursuit,...


Stracciatella Ice Cream

One of my most wished trip was that of going to Rome. Although Rome is only couple of hours by plain from Athens it was a trip I have never made. I have always said to my husband about this it seemed that we never got the time to do it. I had my son...