Weekends usually are, for most people, the two days they have to relax from a stressful week and probably do things they don’t have the time to do during weekdays. For me it is a whole different reality. Saturday morning, I wake up around 8:00 a.m. and start my day by going shopping to buy all the things I will need for the following week. This basically means that I have to go to the supermarket, the butcher and the green grocer. After all this shopping, I come back home and start making lunch. If what I am cooking is a success, I must prepare it for a photo shoot in order to post it in my blog. As most of you are bloggers too, you all know what that means. A photoshoot takes me about half an hour from beginning to end and this is taking place while the meal is cooking and with two eager and impatient men waiting for their meal. This is pretty hectic I can tell you.
After having lunch and just before I am about to collapse, I try to steal about an hour for a nap, before I take my son to meet his friends at the mall and stay there until about 23:00 when is the time to pick him up.
Sunday morning shops are closed here and so I have some time to enjoy my breakfast and pay a visit to my parents who live next door. My return home signals the beginning of yet another cooking adventure in my kitchen. Again, if I make something new and worth posting I prepare all my props for the photo shooting. Helping my son with his studying, do the laundry, cleaning my kitchen and washing all the cooking gadgets that cannot be washed in the dishwasher are some of the errands I have to do after lunch.
In the afternoon is the time when I finally sit down and prepare my blog post for Monday morning. I write the article, edit the photos and translate in Greek the recipe. That takes me about two hours from beginning to end and after that, I usually, call it a night.
As you can understand my weekend is far from relaxing and serene, but this is something that for the time being is hard to change. Sometimes, like this past Sunday we get to go to my mother in law and have lunch there and so that means less work for me. Since I knew we would go there, I thought I should make some sweet treats to offer. To be honest I didn’t want to spend so much time in the kitchen so this recipe was ideal. Very easy and quick to make – they only need couple of hours to stabilize – these fudge bites are perfect for everyone at home and a perfect gift for friends and family.
- 340 gr. / 12 oz. semi sweet chocolate 70% cocoa (if you want the fudge sweeter then use a chocolate with less cocoa i.e. 60%. I prefer a bitter taste)
- 397 gr. / 1 can 14 oz. sweet condensed milk
- 30 gr. / 2 tbsp cold butter
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- Cocoa powder to dust
- In microwave proof glass bowl add the chocolate cut in small pieces and melt in microwave.
- Add the condensed milk and whisk to incorporate.
- Add the cold butter cut in small cubes the size of a dice and return to microwave and melt for about 40 seconds.
- Remove and whisk until the butter is completely melted and incorporated.
- Pour the vanilla extract and mix.
- Take a pan 23 cm. X 15 cm / 9 in. X 6 in.
- Butter its bottom and place a parchment paper.
- Butter the parchment paper and pour the batter and level it.
- Put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
- Remove, cut in pieces, dust with the cocoa powder and serve.
- 340 γρ. κουβερτούρα 70% κακάο (αν θέλετε τα γλυκάκια να είναι πιο γλυκά τότε χρησιμοποιήστε μια σοκολάτα με λιγότερο κακάο δηλαδή 60%. Εγώ προσωπικά προτιμώ μια πιο πικρή γεύση)
- 1 κουτί ζαχαρούχο γάλα
- 30 γρ. βούτυρο κρύο
- 2 κ.γ. εκχύλισμα βανίλιας
- Κακάο σε σκόνη
- Στον φούρνο μικροκυμάτων σε ένα γυάλινο μπολ προσθέτουμε τη σοκολάτα κομμένη σε μικρά κομμάτια να λιώσει.
- Προσθέτουμε το ζαχαρούχο γάλα και ανακατεύουμε.
- Προσθέτουμε το κρύο βούτυρο κομμένο σε κυβάκια, στο μέγεθος του ζαριού και το επιστρέφουμε στο φούρνο μικροκυμάτων για περίπου 40 δευτερόλεπτα.
- Αφαιρούμε και ανακατεύουμε μέχρι το βούτυρο να λιώσει και να ενσωματωθεί.
- Ρίχνουμε τη βανίλια και ανακατεύουμε.
- Παίρνουμε ένα ταψί 23 cm. X 15 cm.
- Το βουτυρώνουμε και τοποθετούμε ένα αντικολλητικό χαρτί.
- Βουτυρώνουμε και τη λαδόκολλα και ρίχνουμε το μείγμα και το ισιώνουμε.
- Το βάζουμε στο ψυγείο για τουλάχιστον 2 ώρες.
- Το βγάζουμε, το κόβουμε σε κομματάκια και το πασπαλίζουμε με κακάο.