“The “Petit Beurre”, or “Véritable Petit Beurre”, also known under the initials “VPB”, is a kind of shortbread from Nantes, that is best known in France. Le Petit Beurre LU was invented by Louis Lefèvre-Utile in 1886. A cookie cutter in the form of Petit Beurre was made on September 8, 1886. But Louis Lefèvre...
Tag: <span>tiramisu</span>
A Full Course for Valentine’s Menu
Οι συνταγές και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος των αναρτήσεων! I always thought that love should be shown without having an excuse. An unexpected loving gesture is the best gift a man or a woman can get. It doesn’t have to be something big or extravagant to show someone your love and appreciation. I think small...