Tag: <span>caramel sauce</span>

Home / caramel sauce

Vanilla, Almond Ice Cream Topped with Caramel Sauce

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης. Odysseus, one of the most brave and clever Greek leaders of the Trojan war, after 10 years of fighting, he left Troy to return to his country, the Greek island of Ithaca. After facing many dangerous adventures, he and his men arrived at an unknown island....


Caramel Chocolate Torte

Η συνταγή και στα ελληνικά στο τέλος της ανάρτησης! The first chills have already made their appearance here and I started storing my summer clothes away and bringing the fall/winter ones in my closets. October is a beautiful month because it is my mother’s birthday and my father’s Name Day. So, we have plenty to...