I don’t know if you have noticed, but I like souffles, au gratins and generally anything that has a bechamel topping, cheese and is baked in the oven. Especially during winter, I love this type of food, because is warm, hearty and comfort. This one is very easy and can be made even during week...
Category: <span>Main Course</span>
Risotto with Cantharelles Mushrooms
I know it has been quite a while since my last post. This is because of two reasons. First, I was very busy and I did not have the time to cook that much and post. The second and most important reason is that even these few things I cooked, were not worth mentioning about....
Pasta with Blue Cheese Sauce
Now, there are many things that I do not like to eat. One of them is blue cheese. I do not like its taste, smell and appearance. And as much as I hate it, that much my husband loves it. When we go to Italian restaurants, he tries to find on the menu, dishes with...
Rigatoni Primavera
This weekend I made two dishes, a sweet and sour pork and this pasta. I am not going to post the pork recipe, since I did not like it. As I told you I am only posting recipes worth the trouble and effort. This one is great. Although it is a souffle, it is fairly...
Risotto with Porcini Mushrooms and Raisins
We ate so much meat these past few days, that yesterday I said to my husband, that I would make something completely meatless. He totally agreed because he was sick of meat too. So, I decided to make risotto which is something my child eats too. I had in my fridge dried porcini. Actually, I...
Chicken in Honey Mustard Sauce
I always say that these days are great, but only if you are a kid. Every year I say to myself that I will make time for me, so as to enjoy these days and every year I am up to the neck at work and at home. Anyway, this is a very easy recipe,...
Mushroom Pasta
I know it’s been quite few days, but I have good excuse. I was having a friend of mine from the States staying with us and I had to show her around. Fatimah is a friend of mine from the days back when I was in the States pursuing my Master’s degree. We lost...
Pork Chops with Grapes and Balsamico
As fall has started to show us its teeth, I have a tendency of cooking juicy, saucy meals. The original recipe for this meal comes from a very famous Greek chef called Vagelis Driskas. I did some alterations so as to adapt it to my taste, but you can find the original recipe here. It...
Potato Souffle
First of all I would like to thank everyone who has sent me a pomegranate recipe via e-mail. I will try to make as many as my bulk of pomegranates allows me. Today I am going to make potato suffle. It is an easy meal very yummy but a little bit time consuming. But...
E.T. Pasta Au Gratin
Do you remember Steven Spielberg’s movie “E.T.”? It was a romantic movie with a very funny little creature from another planet. I suppose that is how everybody would want life from outer space look like. Anyway, I remembered that movie because of the E.T. initials I gave to this dish. Of course, this is...