Year: <span>2018</span>

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Sweet and Pungent Chicken

While many kinds of merchandise traveled along the Silk Road, the name comes from the popularity of Chinese silk in the west and especially in Rome. The Silk Road routes stretched from China through India, Asia Minor, up throughout Mesopotamia, to Egypt, the African continent, Greece, Rome, and Britain. This Road was an ancient network...


Lemon in a Glass

What connects lemons with mob? Is it possible that all this illegal system started from lemon production? From a study in the “Journal of Economic History” we learn that all this craziness started back at the end of 19th century because of lemons. During the Napoleonian wars, scurvy was the main reason of sailors’ death...


Cocoa Tahini Stuffed Sweet Bread

One of the staples of Greek Easter is undoubtedly tsoureki. Tsoureki is a sweet bread that resembles the Jewish challah only with some variations. The word tsoureki comes from the Turkish word “corek” that means any bread that is made with yeast. There are several sweet and savory variations of corek depending on the area...


Vegan Galaktoboureko

Once upon a time, there was once in the northeastern part of Greece, Thrace, a beautiful princess called Phyllís. One day, a ship, returning from the Trojan war, dropped anchor where she lived. The ship’s captain and owner was Dimophóntas the son of Theseus. The two youngsters fell in love and eventually got married. For...