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Pork Tenderloin with Apples in Beer and Curry Sauce

Apples have been growing in this corner of the world since ancient years. Greek mythology is full of tales that, at some point, involve an apple somewhere by someone. I have already mentioned the myth of Atalante and Hippomenes and there is also the famous story of Eris who threw an apple saying “To the...


Grilled Lemon Marinated Pork Tenderloin

The name basil is derived from Greek basileus “king”, because of the royal fragrance of this herb. Basileus “king” means essentially “people’s leader. Basil belongs to the family of Lamiaceae. Its leaves show an intense green color on the upper side and a green-gray color in the bottom side. Today, basil is cultivated in many...


Twelve Months of Deliciousness

As 2017 is about to expire, I went back to all the months that preceded and tried to pick one recipe that was a hit or special from each one of them. It was hard because every time I make something I put all my energy, love and affection to it and thus everything you...


Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Red Wine Sauce

One of the five basic elements of ancient Greek diet was wine. Although the origin of vineyards and viticulture comes from Asia, ancient Greeks because of trade started cultivating vineyards since Neolithic Age. Homer, Plato and Xenophon in their written documents make an extensive mention to all their contemporary wines from several parts of Greece....


Pork Tenderloin in Apricot Preserves Sauce

The fourth out of the twelve labors, that Eurystheus of Mycenae obliged Hercules to perform, was the catching of the Boar of Erimanthus. Erimanthus was a place in Peloponnese peninsula and goddess Artemis has offered that huge animal to the area. Nevertheless, the boar raided a vast area killing other animals and causing damages to...


Lemon Tea Braised Pork Chops

Andros is a beautiful island of the Cyclades complex very close to Athens. Its name, as mythology says, comes from general Andros descendant of gods Apollo and Dionysus. That is the reason why Dionysus was worshipped in the island and the two gods appear in their coins. Because of its proximity to main land, its...


Greek Gyros

I think that the most famous and well known Greek food is probably souvlaki. And it has every right to be, as it is not only super delicious, but also it is an easy to put together and whole meal on its own. In Greece, we love souvlaki and all its variations. In every neighborhood...


Pork Skewers in Marinade (Kontosoùvli)

Thessaly is a large area in the central part of Greece. It was very important during ancient ages as there was located Olympus the mountain of the twelve gods. In there Titans fought with the gods and lost the fight. Olympus was the home of: Zeus the father of all gods, protector of foreigners, regulator...


Pork with Celery and Avgolemono Sauce

Between 1600BC and 1100BC a great civilization flourished in mainland Greece and more specifically in the Peloponnese peninsula; The Mycenaean Civilization. It grew so strong and powerful that dominated eastern Mediterranean Sea, Crete and the islands of Aegean Sea. The center of this civilization was the city of Mycenae, from which historians gave it its...