Tag: <span>sweet</span>

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Although Greek kitchen is very rich in savory dishes with high nutritional value, this does not apply for desserts. Why is that? I don’t really know. Perhaps the fact that from 1453 when Constantinople was conquered by the Ottomans and consequently the whole of Greece, until 1821 when we started our fight for liberation, we...


Applesauce Cake

Atalanta was the daughter of Iasus (or Mainalos or Schoeneus, according to Hyginus), a Boeotian, or an Arcadian princess. Her childhood was pretty dramatic according to myth. When she was born, her father was so disappointed for having a girl instead of a boy, that took the infant and left it in the woods. One...


Rice Pudding (Rizògalo)

In Greece, it used to be a custom, children to take the names of their paternal grandparents. For example, my name is Katerina just like my father’s mother and my brother’s name is John just like my father’s father. They did it mostly to keep the generation’s name alive and out of respect for the...


Kopaniá of Santorini

Santorini island is basically what has remained after a massive volcanic eruption that destroyed all previous settlements, and created the current geological caldera. This enormous volcanic eruption has become the most famous single event in the Aegean before the fall of Troy. It may have been one of the largest volcanic eruptions on Earth in...