Category: <span>Greek</span>

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Briam (Greek Ratatouille)

I am trying really hard the past few days to keep up with all of you and I know that I haven’t been much of a follower lately, but several circumstances have kept me from spending much time on the net. One such occasion is my son’s Name Day and his party. Here in Greece,...


Tsoureki (Sweet Easter Bread)

  I am so sad these past days, I just wanted to do something to cheer me up a little bit. So, what better way to elevate my mood than to dye my Easter eggs and make Tsoureki? This is a recipe by Stelios Parliaros my favorite pastry chef and I make it every year...


Raisins Bread (Stafidopsomo)

As I have told you in the past, here in Greece we still have bakeries that sell bread, cookies and other sweet treats. In every neighborhood one can find several of them. I make my own bread now, so my visits to my local bakery are limited. Last time I went there, was to buy...


Lagana (Greek Flat Bread)

Just before I start talking about my yet another bread adventure, I can’t help but sharing some thoughts regarding this catastrophe in Japan. I saw on TV how in a matter of minutes the wreath of nature has made disappear what humans have created in so many years of struggle and effort. Also, all these...


Saint Basil’s Pie (Vasilopita )

First of all I would like to wish to all of you my friends a Very Happy and Loving New Year. I hope that 2011 really good things will happen to your lives this coming year. Ok, let’s talk a little tradition here. In Greece we, Christian Orthodox, have the custom of Vasilopita. Just after...


Melomakarona Part 2

Christmas has passed. I am sure you all had a great time with your families or friends. But don’t get sad, we have New Year’s Eve still coming. It is a big celebration as well. I know that some of you may have had all their share on cookies, but I promised to give you a...


Melomakarona (Greek Christmas Cookies) Part 1

Ok, I am sure you noticed the part 1 in my title. This is because I am going to give you two recipes for melomakarona. One by Stelios Parliaros and one by Simone Kafiris. I told you before how much I admire Stelios Parliaros, not only because he is a great pastry chef, but also...