Category: <span>Main Course</span>

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Lemon Tea Braised Pork Chops

Andros is a beautiful island of the Cyclades complex very close to Athens. Its name, as mythology says, comes from general Andros descendant of gods Apollo and Dionysus. That is the reason why Dionysus was worshipped in the island and the two gods appear in their coins. Because of its proximity to main land, its...


Shepherd’s Pie with Curry Chicken

The Indo-Greek Kingdom or Graeco-Indian Kingdom was a Hellenistic kingdom spread in various parts of the northwest regions of South Asia (mainly modern Afghanistan and Pakistan) during the last two centuries BC and was ruled by more than thirty kings, who were often in conflict with each other. The kingdom was founded when the Graeco-Bactrian...


Greek Gyros

I think that the most famous and well known Greek food is probably souvlaki. And it has every right to be, as it is not only super delicious, but also it is an easy to put together and whole meal on its own. In Greece, we love souvlaki and all its variations. In every neighborhood...


Stuffed Ravioli with Sweet Wine Sauce

Hephaestus was among the twelve gods the ugliest and less fortunate one. He was the son of Zeus and Hera and lived in Olympus mountain along with his parents. As we all know Zeus was a notorious womanizer and that had as a result continuous fights with his wife Hera. In one of these fights...


Baked Chicken and Gnocchi in Halloumi Sauce

Pygmalion, according to mythology, was king of Cyprus and an excellent sculptor. Annoyed by the morals of his contemporary women dedicated himself in sculpture. He, then, begun an effort to create the perfect female figure. When he succeeded, he gave it the name Galatea. Galatea in Greek means white as milk. He was so touched...


Creamy Chicken with Leeks and Shiitake Mushrooms

Leeks were a vital ingredient of the Egyptian and Mesopotamian people even from second millennium B.C. Ancient Greeks knew leeks and they considered them to be a medicine. It is said that Nero consumed leeks to have a strong and clear voice. Leek became widely known in Europe from the Romans who brought it from...


Pork Skewers in Marinade (Kontosoùvli)

Thessaly is a large area in the central part of Greece. It was very important during ancient ages as there was located Olympus the mountain of the twelve gods. In there Titans fought with the gods and lost the fight. Olympus was the home of: Zeus the father of all gods, protector of foreigners, regulator...