During weekend I was in a mood for pasta. These past few months with the lockdown and everything I have managed to do a bunch of jobs at home that I was unable or too tired to do during normal days. I cleaned my kitchen pantries from useless gadgets and items, I organized my utensils...
Tag: <span>Italian</span>
Pizza Dough with Yogurt
Yogurt’s history goes back to the Neolithic period when people at that time where breeding animals that gave them milk. Probably its invention was an accident. In the area of today’s Turkey or Iran somebody must have left a clay pot filled with milk that somehow got warm and started thickening to yogurt. Apart from...
Migliaccio is a typical dessert of the Carnival. It is part of the Napoli tradition, but it is consumed in all areas of Campania region in Italy. Its recipe has ancient origins and it seems to date back to the Middle Ages. As often happened, it was invented by some peasant woman who was trying...
Mediterranean Chicken Meatballs with Gnocchi
In all probability the dumpling is the first form of pasta used by man. In fact, it is spontaneous to mix a little flour, with little water, make small balls and cook them in boiling water. Gnocco is a Longobard term (knohha, meaning knot, knot), from the Middle Ages, it defines any dough with a...
Stracciatella Ice Cream
One of my most wished trip was that of going to Rome. Although Rome is only couple of hours by plain from Athens it was a trip I have never made. I have always said to my husband about this it seemed that we never got the time to do it. I had my son...
Brioche Bread Stuffed with Pesto Genovese
Pesto originated in Genoa Italy, many, many years ago. The definition of the word Pesto means any sauce that is made with the grinding motion of a “Mortar and Pestle”. Real authentic Pesto is made with Fresh Basil and is called “Pesto alla Genovese”. There is also a wide variety of other Pesto flavors available...
Profiteroles with Vanilla Ice Cream and Warm Chocolate Sauce
During the course of history different cities have had the name of “Città Eterna”, for example Jerusalem or Kyoto, but Rome is the first and the only one to have preserved it for over two millennia. The naming of Rome as this is attributed to Albio Tibullo (A.D. 55-19-18 B.C.), a Latin poet that today...
Lasagna with Sun dried Tomatoes and Chicken
Santorini is one of the most famous Greek islands around the world. Santorini island is basically what has remained after a massive volcanic eruption that destroyed all previous settlements and created the current geological caldera. This enormous volcanic eruption has become the most famous single event in the Aegean before the fall of Troy. It...
Twelve Months of Deliciousness
As 2017 is about to expire, I went back to all the months that preceded and tried to pick one recipe that was a hit or special from each one of them. It was hard because every time I make something I put all my energy, love and affection to it and thus everything you...
Stuffed Ravioli with Sweet Wine Sauce
Hephaestus was among the twelve gods the ugliest and less fortunate one. He was the son of Zeus and Hera and lived in Olympus mountain along with his parents. As we all know Zeus was a notorious womanizer and that had as a result continuous fights with his wife Hera. In one of these fights...